Artful Bytes

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How to write a microcontroller driver for an I2C device? (MSP430 and VL6180X)

August 28, 2021 20 min read

I recently had to write an I2C driver for talking to the range sensors on my sumobot. I2C is a standard protocol, one that every embedded developer should know, and the best way to learn it is to implement a driver for it, therefore, I thought it would be valuable to take you through my implementation.

What you should know

To follow along, you don't need to know the ins and outs of I2C, but you should have some familiarity - watch a youtube video or skim the specification sheet. You should also be familiar with the C programming language.


I will write a driver on the microcontroller MSP430 for the range sensor VL6180X, and some of the code will obviously be tied to this hardware. Still, you should find this post helpful, even if you are writing a driver for something else.

NOTE: I ended up using VL53L0X on my sumobot, but I wrote a driver for the VL6180X first. The VL53L0X is more complicated than VL6180X so I broke it into a second blog post.

About VL6180X

The VL6180X is a range sensor by ST, which is part of a larger series of time-of-flight sensors, and has been on the market for a few years now. Using a technique called FlightSense, it measures the distance travelled by the light reflected from the target. In contrast to the more common approach - measuring the amount of light - it's independent of the target color and surface.

Besides measuring range (0-~20 cm), it can measure ambient light and recognize gestures, but I will only measure range.

For more information, have a look at ST's documentation

I picked this sensor for my project because it's tiny, cheap, and performant. It's a big step up from the bulkier range sensors you typically see in hobbyist projects like the Sharp series (e.g. GP2Y0A21YK0F) or the HC-SR04.

Where to get the VL6180X?

The VL6180X is available in a reflowable package, but the easiest way to test it is to get a breakout board. The breakout boards I've seen have the same pinout and go for about $5-15.

VL6180X pinout

The typical VL6180X breakout board provides you with 7 pins:

VIN5V or 3.3V (but check your breakout board to make sure)
2v8Just 2.8V, can normally be left unconnected
XSHUTUsed for putting the sensor in reset (needed for setting addr in multi-sensor) otherwise leave unconnected
GPIOUsed for receiving interrupt (can leave unconnected if polling)
SDAI2C data line
SCLI2C clock line

That's a lot of pins, which is something to consider if you need to use several VL6180Xs because you may need to get a microcontroller package with a larger pin count or add a GPIO expander.


I will write the code for an MSP430G2553 using the MSP430 LaunchPad. If you are new to embedded systems, the MSP430 is a great starting point because it has good tooling and documentation and a good set of peripherals.

How to hook up the VL6180X?

The bare-minimum you must connect to talk with a single VL53L0X are the power pins (VIN and GND) and the I2C pins (SDA and SCL). When we implement multi-sensor support in a later section, we also need to connect the XSHUT pin. We are only polling, so we can leave the GPIO (interrupt pin) unconnected.

NOTE: I often move the MSP430 DIP package from the launchpad to a solderless board for easier prototyping and only use the launchpad for programming. If you do the same, make sure you add a 47 kOhm pull-up resistor on the reset line to prevent the MCU from endless reset. You should also add a bypass capacitor near the VCC pin to avoid voltage drop. Otherwise you are likely to experience intermittent reboots because of the current surges from the VL6180X.

I2C pull-up resistors

A critical aspect of I2C is that it's designed to have the bus operate in open-drain, which means the I2C devices can only drive the bus lines low or not at all. They can't drive them high. Therefore, we need a mechanism to pull the lines high by default, and this is where the pull-up resistors come in. These resistors are connected between the I2C lines (SDA and SCL) and the VCC line (e.g. 3.3 V). If there are no pull-up resistors, there is no default logic level, so the I2C communication will simply not work.

What value should the pull-up resistors have?

Okay, so we need pull-up resistors, but what value should they have?

A too low value will make the pull-up too strong, preventing the I2C devices from pulling the lines low, which is why you can't connect the bus lines directly to VCC. It will also waste a lot of power.

A too-large value will make the pull-up too weak, making the lines go back to high state slower, limiting the communication speed. This is also why you typically don't use the internal pull-up (~100 kOhm) resistors of the microcontroller.

The optimal value depends on your setup, particularly the wire properties (bus capacitance) and the communication speed (rise time) you desire. I won't go into these details here. As a general rule of thumb, 4.7-10k typically works well.

NOTE: Your breakout board will likely already have a pair of pull-ups - my VL6180X breakout board has 10k pull-ups. In that case, you don't need to think about it, but be cautious about connecting several breakout boards to the same I2C bus because then the effective pull-up resistance can become too low.

Essential tools for debugging I2C

First, if you work with a protocol such as I2C, SPI, or UART, you need a logic analyzer. If you don't have one, get one. It's going to save you so much debugging time. Fair, you may not want to spend several hundred bucks on something like a Saleae, but at the very least get a cheap FX2-based analyzer (< 20 USD) and use it with sigrok.

Second, get an Arduino. Even if we are not coding for an Arduino, it's useful for verifying that your sensor works. There are good Arduino libraries that take 5 minutes to set up. Combined with a logic analyzer, it also gives you a reference on what I2C traffic to expect, which will save you plenty of time when writing your driver.

My approach

I will code in a bottom-up approach, starting with the I2C layer at the bottom and then move up to the VL6180X driver. The code will be polling-based (not interrupt-driven) and have no sophisticated error handling or recovery. I have done this to simplify the code, but I do discuss these topics in another section.

NOTE: If you stumble upon issues when implementing this yourself, have a look at Common issues.

The code

All of the code is available at GitHub, and I also share parts of it as gists in this post. The easiest way to follow along is to pull down the repo from GitHub and then use interactive git rebase (git rebase -i --root) because I have basically made a new commit after each section.

Initialize the microcontroller

We have everything set up and the tools we need; It's time to start coding.

Starting from scratch, the first thing you need to do is create a new project in your editor of choice. I prefer to use Code Composer Studio and GCC for MSP430 development.

As with most microcontrollers, there is some initialization we must first do. On the MSP430, we at least need to configure the watchdog timer and the clock speed. The MSP430 goes up to 16 MHz, but configuring it for 1 MHz is enough here.

If you are unsure about any of this, take a look in your microcontroller's datasheet or user's guide. Here is the one for MSP430.

I2C driver

Let's create two new files for the I2C driver drivers/i2c.h and drivers/i2c.c.

NOTE: I like to keep my low-level drivers under a separate folder drivers/ and have a separate header and implementation file for each driver.

Initialize I2C on MSP430

To use I2C, we must configure the pinout and I2C peripheral of the microcontroller. The GPIOs on a microcontroller can serve several functions, so we have to select the function explicitly.

The MSP430G2553 has 16 GPIO pins, and only pin 1.6 (SCL) and 1.7 (SDA) can be selected for I2C. We select I2C by writing to the select-register.

Next, we have to configure the I2C peripheral. On the MSP430, we do this by configuring the USCI module, which is a general module for I2C, SPI, and UART communication. In particular, we need to write to these registers:

They are explained further in section 17.4 in MSP430 user's guide.

To configure I2C on the MSP430, you have to:

  1. Put USCI module in reset
  2. Select I2C, set synchronous single-master mode
    • The VL6180X is a slave device, and we act as master
    • I2C supports multiple masters, but we are a single master here
    • USCI supports asynchronous mode for UART/USART, but I2C is a synchronous protocol
  3. Set the I2C clock rate
    • I2C supports different clock rates (e.g. standard and fast mode)
    • VL6180X can be configured for different rates
    • I will use 100 kHz (Standard mode) here
    • Note, if you configure a higher clock rate, you may need to adjust the pull-up resistors
  4. Bring USCI out of reset
  5. Set slave address
    • With I2C, the master always begins each communication by sending the address of the slave
    • The bus may have multiple slaves, and only the slave with the address should respond
    • The default address of VL6180X is 0x29

Writing this as a function we get:

Send a single byte to the slave

After initializing I2C, a good first step is to send a single byte from the master to confirm that our setup works.

I2C is master-driven, so the master is always the one initiating the communication. It sends a start condition followed by a byte containing the 7-bit slave address and a single R/W bit to indicate the transmit mode (RX/TX). Once a slave acks this byte, the master continues with sending the actual data.

To send a byte from the MSP430, we must

  1. Configure TX mode and enable the start condition bit
  2. Fill the transmit buffer with the byte we want to send
  3. Wait for the start condition to be sent
  4. Check if the slave acknowledged the address+start condition
  5. If the slave acknowledged it, wait for the byte to be sent
  6. Check if the slave acknowledged the byte
  7. Send a stop condition to end the communication

NOTE: You MUST fill the transmit buffer before waiting for the start condition (and address) to be sent because the start condition won't be sent otherwise, which is easy to miss if you don't read the datasheet carefully.

The code:

NOTE: I only return false to indicate failure, which is naive. For example, if the slave hogs the bus for some reason, we may wait indefinitely for the start condition to be sent. I'm doing this to simplify the code. I discuss error handling more in a later section.

We can call it from the main function in a loop and set a breakpoint with our debugger to verify that it works. Now is also a good time to pick up your logic analyzer.

For example, writing the value 9 repeatedly:

This is what you should see without the VL6180X connected:

This is what you should see with the VL6180X connected:

You can also verify the clock rate:

NOTE: If you have any issues at this point, please take a look at the section Common issues.

Receive a single byte from the slave

To read a byte from the slave, we follow a similar flow:

  1. Configure RX mode and enable the start condition bit
  2. Wait for the start condition to be sent
  3. Check if the slave acknowledged the address+start condition
  4. If the slave acknowledged it, send the stop condition immediately
  5. Wait for the byte from the slave
  6. Read the byte from the RX buffer

Also, when we want to receive a single byte, we should send the stop condition immediately after the start condition according to the MSP430 user's guide section

NOTE: In practice, the master never tries to receive a byte before first transmitting something to the slave. It doesn't make sense to read a byte out of the blue because how can the slave know what the master wants if the master doesn't tell it first? Anyway, I do it here only as a demonstration.

The code:

I return the received byte via the function argument because I still want to use the return value to indicate success or failure.

If we call the read function similar to how we called the write function, the logic analyzer should show the following:

The slave (VL6180X) ACKs our start condition, but the read byte is NAKed. If you run the read function several times, you will also notice that the value differs each time, which we expect, because as I said the slave doesn't know what we want to read.

Read a register via I2C

The read function is useless on its own, so let's combine it with the write function to create a useful function that reads a register on the VL6180X. To read a register, we basically have to run the write and read function back-to-back:

  1. Configure master for transmitting bytes (similar to the write function)
  2. Transmit the address of the register we want to read
  3. Reconfigure the master for reading bytes (similar to the read function)
  4. Read the byte (register value)

In step 2, however, we have to write two bytes because the register addresses of VL6180X are 16-bit wide. Moreover, VL6180X expects us to write the most significant byte (MSB) first. All of this is explained in VL6180X's datasheet.

The code:

Most of the code is identical to the write and read function we previously created. The main difference is that we send two bytes (dividing the 16-bit address with bitwise operations). We also don't send a stop condition after the write, but instead, we send a so called repeated start condition.

To verify the read register function, we can read the register with address 0x00. This register contains the device id of VL6180X, which is always 180 (0xB4). Once again, they explain this in the datasheet.

Putting the logic analyzer to work, you should see the following traffic:

As you can see, the master writes the address (0x00+0x00=0x0000), then sends a repeating start condition, and finally reads the byte (0xB4). You may be surprised to see that the last byte is NAKed even though we receive the correct value, but this is entirely according to I2C specification:

The master sends a NAK to signal the slave it has finished reading.

We can also verify we get 0xB4 (180) with the debugger in CCSTUDIO

Great, now we got something useful.

Write to a register via I2C

Similarly, we should create a function to write to a register on the VL6180X, which is easier than reading a byte because we can keep the master in transceiver mode.

NOTE: I name the I2C functions according to the address and data size. I prefer separate functions over having extra arguments because I think it makes the code cleaner. I add support for more sizes in the next section.

The best way to confirm that it works is to first write to some register and then read from the same register. According to the datasheet, the register with address 0x10A is an 8-bit register with a valid range of 0-255. Let's write a 13 to this register and see if we get the same value back:

Look at this commit for the complete code until this point.

Support 8/16/32-bit address and data sizes

Being able to read and write a single byte is not enough to fully communicate with the VL6180X. We also need to read and write 16-bit and 32-bit data registers. Besides, it's a good idea to make the I2C layer flexible so we can re-use it for different devices (e.g. the VL53L0X is 8-bit addressed).

This is mostly a matter of refactoring the existing functions, adding extra helper functions, and introducing some nice constructs to make the code cleaner.

The new drivers/i2c.h:

The new drivers/i2c.c:

I won't explain the code line-by-line as it's mostly self-explanatory, but there are some good practices the code exemplifies:

After refactoring, don't forget to sanity-check that everything works by writing to and reading from a register again.

NOTE: I didn't implement all the address and data sizes combinations, but the missing ones are easy to implement if you need them.

NOTE: I added two functions for reading and writing an array of bytes in preparation for the VL53L0X driver in my other blog post

Look at this commit for the complete code until this point.

Writing the driver for VL6180X

Now that we have the I2C driver in place for our microcontroller, we are ready to move one layer up to write the driver for the I2C device. While the I2C device driver is tied to the microcontroller, the driver for the I2C device sits one level above and should ideally be independent of it. Doing it like this makes it easy to re-use the I2C driver for another device (which I do in my VL53L0X blog post) and to port the VL6180X driver to another microcontroller.

The VL6180X has a lot of functionality (and registers) to explore (VL53L0X is even worse). I won't go through it all, instead, I will focus on initialization and basic range measuring, which gives you a good starting point to explore the VL6180X further.

ST provides a "portable" API driver for the VL6180X, so technically, you don't need to write your driver. You only need to implement the lower-level I2C functions that are specific to your microcontroller. Though I find their code overly abstracted and challenging to read, and if you pull it in as is, you will end up with a lot of code you don't use.

I prefer to write my own driver (whenever it's practical) to keep the memory footprint small and simplify debugging. Still, it was great to use ST's API driver (and the Arduino libraries from Adafruit and Pololu) as a reference point.

How to initialize VL6180X

Similar to the I2C driver, create two new files under drivers/: drivers/vl6180x.c and drivers/vl6180x.h.

There are several steps to initializing the VL6180X. They are described in the appnote AN4545:

init vl6180x

Writing out the code, we get:

I've added some defines at the top for the register addresses to make them easier to track. I also follow the good practice of enclosing the values with braces. You can find the complete register map in the datasheet.

The first thing we should do is ensure the device is freshly booted, or well, this is optional, but it's a good sanity check. Besides, we have to wait at least 1 ms for the device to be ready anyway. The datasheet also says that we should wait for 400 us after GPOI0 (XSHUT) pin goes high. On the breakout boards, the XSHUT pin is pulled high by default, so it's pulled immediately after power-up, and unless your microcontroller is super fast, you will already have spent 400 us before getting to this point.

We can wait for the VL6180X to boot by loop-reading the "fresh out of reset" register. NOTE: As it's written, the wait_device_booted() will hang if VL6180X is not freshly booted. Consider adding a timeout.

Once the device is booted, we should set some recommended standard ranging (SR) settings according to AN4545. To make the code less verbose, I AND (&) the values and only check the total return value in the end. See write_standard_ranging_settings().

There are also some other recommended registers we should set (see configure_default()).

Once we are done with the configuration, we are no longer fresh out of reset, so we clear the "fresh out of reset" register.

How to measure distance with VL6180X

At this point, the sensor is initialized and ready for range measurement. The application note also explains the range measuring flow:

There are two modes, single and continuous. In single-shot mode, we have to start the measurement each time, while in continuos mode, we can set up the sensor to measure at a given interval. I will only implement single-shot mode.

I continue with polling (instead of interrupt-driven) for simplicity. I talk about interrupts in another section.

We can put a breakpoint with our debugger (or use our logic analyzer) to inspect the received value to confirm that we get a good measurement.

For example, holding my hand close to the sensor:

Holding my hand further away:

No hand:

VL6180X reports 0xFF (255) when no obstacle is detected.

Look at this commit for the complete code until this point.

Multiple VL6180X on the same I2C bus

We got a single VL6180X working, but what if we want to use multiple ones on the same bus?

A big advantage with I2C is that additional slaves don't require extra pins (in contrast to other protocols like SPI). For this to work, each slave must have a unique address, but as we saw, the VL6180X always has a default address of 0x29, which means there will be a bus collision if we hook up several of them.

Fortunately, the address of VL6180X is configurable, but unfortunately, configuring it requires I2C communication. We can get around this catch-22 situation by using the GPIO0 (XSHUT) pin. The VL6180X won't respond to I2C when we pull the XSHUT pin low, and in turn, we can put all our VL6180X in standby and then bring them up and configure them one by one. This approach is explained in this appnote.

For example, with three sensors:

  1. Put S1, S2, S3 in standby
  2. Wake S1 and give it a unique address
  3. Wake S2 and give it a unique address
  4. Wake S3 and give it a unique address

The downside, of course, is that we then lose the "few pins"-advantage of I2C because we have to connect the XSHUT pin for each VL6180X.

How to connect multiple VL6180X

Connect the additional sensors to the same lines as with the first sensor (VCC, GND, SDA, and SCL), and then connect the XSHUT pins to some GPIO pins of your microcontroller.

I will use three sensors for demonstration and connect their XSHUT to pin P1.0, P1.1, and P1.2 on my MSP430.

NOTE: When you connect multiple breakout boards that have pull-up resistors, the total pull-up resistance will decrease. In my case, the breakout boards have 10 kOhm resistors, which means the effective resistance becomes 10/3 ~= 3.3 kOhm. This still works for me, but it's a problem to be aware of.

Extending the driver to support multiple VL6180X

Let's extend the existing functions and add a bunch of helper functions to support multiple VL6180X.

The new drivers/vl6180x.h:

The new drivers/vl6180x.c:

I also added a separate GPIO handling layer to hide the microcontroller specifics from the sensor driver:



I added an enum to index the sensors, which makes it easy to add more sensors. The enum values are pretty ambiguous, so you may want to rename them to something more useful.

I also like to use an array with designated initializers to map the enum values to the data struct of each sensor.

I'm using addresses 0x30, 0x31, and 0x32 for no particular reason. You should be fine as long as the address is unique and 7-bit long.

As I mentioned earlier, the datasheet says that we have to wait for 400 us after pulling the XSHUT pin high. I use the delay_cycles function for this, which translates to a busy loop. I know we should avoid busy looping, but it's only for a short moment in this case. If you are using another microcontroller, you need to find some alternative function.

Once the addresses are configured, we do the same initialization steps as before for each sensor.

You can verify that it works by calling vl6180x_read_range_single for each sensor and inspect the value with the debugger or logic analyzer.

Look at this commit for the complete code until this point.

Improvements you can make

The code I've given you is simple, and there are many improvements you can make to it. I will mention the most obvious ones in this section.


One improvement to consider is to use interrupts instead of polling. Polling can be pretty wasteful because you let the CPU run while not doing anything useful. With interrupts, the MCU can do other things while waiting or sleep to reduce power consumption.

But remember, polling is not always a bad idea; it depends on your application. It may be unnecessary to add the extra layer of complexity of interrupts. For example, in my sumobot project, I mostly do polling because I can't really do anything useful while waiting for the data from my sensors, and the power consumption from the MSP430 is negligible in the scheme of things.

Even if the end goal is to use interrupts, it's often easier to get polling to work first.

You may also consider doing both. For example, if you have multiple sensors, you could start range measure for all of them but only wait for an interrupt from one of them and poll the rest. This reduces the amount of polling and saves you some interrupt pins.


I have barely considered error handling in the code examples above. In practice, many things can go wrong with I2C.

As a start, you could return different error codes depending on the error instead of a binary true or false. Together with some tracing to a console, this could make your debugging life easier.

You could also add a timeout at places where you risk getting stuck in an endless loop, for example, where we wait for the start condition to be sent, which can hang if the slave hogs the bus for some reason.

Taking it one step further, you should consider how to handle the errors. You may want to retry, ignore the failing device, or try to recover from the error.

As with most, how far you take depends on your application. If your system is critical and must work all the time, you have to think carefully about it. If not, then your efforts are better spent elsewhere.

I try to avoid adding too much error handling or recovery during development and instead let things go wild when errors occur because it makes it easier to spot them. Your aim should always be to track down and fix your issues instead of band-aiding them with error handling.

Error handling is a big topic, and there are many resources to find on the internet. I suggest you look at them and study the open-source libraries out there for some practical examples.


Since direct memory acccess (DMA) is a common technique used when transferring data, it's natural to consider it for I2C. In practice, however, DMA is rarely used for I2C because the protocol is slow and most of its transactions are small (as exemplified here), making DMA cost more than it saves. Moreover, many DMA controllers don't fully support the I2C protocol, forcing you to baby sit the transactions, which in turn defeats the purpose of DMA: off-loading the CPU. Here is a take on I2C by an MSP430 expert.

Explore VL6180X further

There is more you can do with the VL6180X than I've shown here.

You can reconfigure it to better match your example. For example, you measure a longer range if you are okay with lower resolution and accuracy. You can use the continuous mode instead of the single-shot mode. You may also be interested in using it for gesture recognition or measuring ambient light (ALS).

Have a look at ST's documentation for more information.

Common issues

In this section, I list a few issues you may encounter.

"The I2C code get stuck"

This typically means the slave is in a bad state, which can happen when you reflash your microcontroller and interrupt the I2C transaction mid-through. If you are unlucky, you interrupt during a read transaction, which causes the slave to hog the data line when the master is back up again. The solution is to reflash the MCU, put a breakpoint at the start, and reset the power (pull power pin) of the slave device before continuing. Alternatively, you can cut the power entirely of the MCU and sensor.

"I2C stuck on transmitting the start condition"

Another reason for getting stuck at the start condition (on the MSP430) is if you forgot to write to the TX buffer. When the master is in TX mode, you must write to the TX buffer before waiting on the start condition.

"VL6180X is not responding"

Triple-check that all lines are connected properly, especially if you are breadboarding. Check that you haven't mixed up SDA and SCL, and measure the power lines with a multi-meter. You can rule out that the unit is faulty by using an Arduino. Also, inspect the I2C traffic with a logic analyzer and read the I2C specification, so you know what to expect.

"My microcontroller reboots during range measurement"

The sensor can draw surges of current when operating. Make sure you use a bypass capacitor for the VCC pin of your microcontroller.

General tips

And some general driver development advice.

Read the datasheet

A golden rule in embedded systems development is "read the datasheet". You often overlook several things the first time you skim the datasheet and find the answer the second time around.

Isolate then integrate

Implement your driver in isolation (before you integrate it into your project) to reduce interference from other parts of your code.

Get it working first

It's easier to extend something that works than implementing everything at once. Just look at how we implemented the code in this post. We began by writing and reading a single byte, then writing and reading a register, and so on. Always try to implement in increments, from simple to complex.

Recommended reading

There are many good resources on I2C, VL6180X, and MSP430. Under this section, I will recommend the ones I found helpful.

The documentation for VL6180X is to be found on TI's official site for it. The most useful documents are the VL6180X datasheet and the application note AN4545.

General I2C docs:

MSP430 resources:

Useful threads on the MSP430 forum:

Useful posts on I2C error handling:

Code to study:

Closing words

I2C is a widely used protocol and one to be familiar with as an embedded systems engineer. Like any other communication protocol, a good way to learn it is to implement a driver.

We wrote a driver for the VL6180X, a range sensor with an I2C interface. With MSP430 as the microcontroller, we wrote the driver in two layers, first the general I2C layer and then the VL6180X layer. This demonstrates a common pattern in embedded systems development where you layer the drivers to make them more reusable and portable.

VL6180X is an interesting range sensor because of its size and price, and decent documentation. For some applications, the range of < 20 cm will be far too small, and in that case, you want to look at its big brother VL53L0X, which I cover in my next blog post.

Once again, all of the code is available at GitHub.

Niklas Nilsson

I'm an embedded systems engineer from Sweden currently working at Hasselblad.